What Is Biology, Classification, Nomenclature Of organisms

In biology, we study all types of plants, animals and plants found on this earth. We study in detail all the microscopic organisms which are not visible to our naked eyes.

Actually Biology is made up of two words. Bio and Logos | In which the first word Bio means life and the word Logos means study i.e. study of life. Therefore, it can be said that the study of life of all types of living beings is called Biology.

Let us look at the scientific names of organisms in this article. Definition of biology Scientific names of organisms. Through the definition of biology, let us know what biology is, who is the father of biology, scientific names of living organisms.

What Is Biology Classification Nomenclature Of organisms

Definition of Biology / What is Biology?

Biology is that branch of science under which all living organisms are studied in detail. It is called biology.

In this we study about living beings, their origin, their development, their functions and their classification.

The word biology was first used by French scientist Lamarck and German scientist Treviranus in 1801 AD.

Who is The Father of Biology? (Father of Biology):

Aristotle was a scientist and a Greek philosopher.

A systematic knowledge and development of biology was done during the time of Aristotle.

Aristotle had systematically given his views about animals, birds and plants.

That is why he is called the father of biology.

In fact, Aristotle is also called the Father of Zoology.

Classification of Organisms in earlier times:

Aristotle divided living beings mainly into two parts. These are the following.

  1. zoology
  2. Botany


Under zoology, various types of animals and their activities are studied.


Under this, various types of trees and plants and their activities are studied.

A classification was started by Carolus Linnaus. This is how modern classification began. That is why Linnaeus is called the Father of modern Taxonomy.

Carolus Linnaeus divided all living beings into two parts:

  1. animal world
  2. plant kingdom

Five Kingdom Classification of Organism:

Whittaker scientist classified organisms into five parts in 1969 AD.

  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Plantae
  4. Fungi
  5. Animal


The Kingdom Monera was first proposed by Ernst Ö in 1866.

All types of prokaryotic organisms are included in this Monera kingdom. Prokaryotic organisms include bacteria, cyanobacteria and archaebacteria etc.

Some organisms which are filamentous bacteria are also part of the Monera kingdom.


The Kingdom Protista was created by Haeckel in 1866.

There are many different types of unicellular organisms in this Protista kingdom.

However, all aquatic eukaryotic organisms are also included in the Protista Kingdom.

Euglena are such organisms of the Protista kingdom which are organisms between plants and animals.

This protista shows two types of lifestyle. In which the first one is nourished externally in the absence of light and the second one is self-nourished in sunlight.

The main example of an organism of the Protista kingdom is Protozoa.


Almost all multicellular, colorful, photosynthetic producing organisms are included in this plant kingdom.

Example – Algae, moss, all types of flowering and non-flowering seed plants.


Almost all eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms are included in this fungal kingdom.

In these organisms of the fungal kingdom, nutrition is done through absorption.

All these organisms of the fungal kingdom are heterotrophs.

These organisms of the fungal kingdom are sometimes parasitic or saprophytic.

The cell wall of the organisms of this fungal kingdom is made of complex sugar. Which is called chitin.


All the organisms coming in this animal kingdom are multicellular holozoic organisms.

Eukaryotic, consumer organisms are also included in the animal kingdom.

These organisms of the animal kingdom are also called Metazoa.

Examples of this animal kingdom – Hydra, jelly fish, worms, star fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals.

Scientific nomenclature of organisms:

A scientist named Carolus Linnaeus popularized the binomial system or scientific names of organisms.

According to this method, the name of each living creature was created by combining two words of Latin language.

In which the first word is the name of the genus (Generic Name) of the living beings and the second word is the name of the species (Species Name) of the living beings.

After the name of the lineage and caste, the name of that scientist is written.

Who was the first to discover that caste? Or the one who first gave that caste its name.

Example – The scientific name of man is Homo Sapiens Linn.

The name of the genus Homo is in it. The species name is “Sapiens”.

And Lin is the name of the scientist. Actually Lin is a short form of the word Linnaeus.

This means that a scientist named Linnaeus was the first to name this species Homosapiens.

Scientific Names of Some Organisms:

names of organisms scientific names of organisms

  • Man – Homo Sapiens
  • Dog – Canis Familiaris
  • Ca -t Felis domestica
  • Cow – Bos indicus
  • Frog – Rana tigrina
  • House fly – Musca domestica
  • Mango – (Mangifera indica)
  • Gram – Cicer arietinum
  • Wheat – Triticum aestivum
  • Rice – Oryza sativa
  • Pea – Pisum Sativum
  • Mustard – (Brassica campestris)
  • Leopard – (Panthera pardus)
  • Lion – Panthera Leo
  • Tiger – (Panthera tigris)


conclusion :

We hope you liked this blog post. You must share it with your friends. This post is about scientific names of organisms. Definition of Biology Scientific names of organisms. You can write your thoughts or suggestions about the definition of biology in the comment box. And stay connected with us.

Have a nice day. Thank you


Q1) Who is called the father of biology?

Ans: Aristotle is called the father of biology.

Q2) Who is called the Father of modern Taxonomy?

Ans: Linnaeus is called the Father of modern Taxonomy.

Q3) In how many parts were living organisms classified by Whittaker in 1969?

Ans: Whittaker classified living organisms into five groups. Monera, Protista, Plants, Fungi, Animals.

Q4) What is the definition of biology?

Ans: Biology is that branch of science in which we study about the origin, development, functions and classification of living organisms.

Q5) Who is called the Father of Zoology?

Ans: Aristotle is also called the Father of Zoology.

Q6) What is the scientific name of man?

Ans: The scientific name of man is Homo Sapiens.

Q7) Who first popularized the scientific names of living beings?

Ans: A scientist named Carolus Linnaeus popularized the binomial system or scientific names of organisms.

Q8) What is the cell wall of fungi made of?

Ans: Its cell wall is made of a complex sugar called chitin.


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